Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

BOOM it´s Fall

Hello dear people of this earth and surrounding areas.

The last few days were so grey and rainy that nothing really interesting happened.
Been doing our count downs and have now reached day 92.
Although Elli and I still talk on the phone every night, nothing really funny happened.

Wait!!!! Not quite true.
Every now and then I like to write a little story and the one I am working on now is basically describing me in my everyday behaviour. So I am going to give you a small part of it so you can (once more) see how Clumsy I am.

Lina bolted up from the couch and wanted to be at the door in 2 jumps. That plan failed epically because Lina misscalculated the distance between the floor and the couch and didn't realize that her new elk slippers were standing in the way. All those details lead to Lina almost breaking away with her foot and while struggling to get back her balance tripping over the slippers and literally hitting the ground running. “AYYYYYE VITTU, HAISTA HUILU! DAMMIT!” Lina cursed, pulled herself up and only 2 seconds later stood at the door looking as if nothing happened.

yeaaaaah that is a hundret percent me....

and since I´ve been listening to that song CONSTANTLY over the past days...
The Power Of One

So have a nice one all of ya.

Ps: I also did some decorations for my chrismas gifts. Will show them ASAP

2 Kommentare:

  1. Missing 92 days still ! be careful would not to be good to be with a broken leg just in Raskasta J. Hahaha!
