So since now everything for our big christmas trip is pretty much paid for, the excitement level in Elli, Anna and me is seriousy increasing and we are beginning to go crazy. Yesterday we spent groupchatting via facebook teaching Anna some german or better testing what she already knows.
She speaks german surprisingly well but still it created some very funny situations. We even made her a deal. She has to speak some german when we are there but in return we try our luck in finish. ought to be fun.
You know Elli can´t roll the 'R' as nicely as the finnish people do, so I try to teach her. wich always goes like this.
Lina: "Elli you gotta roll the 'R' with the tip of your tongue not back in your throat."
Elli: ' (back in throat) 'RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR'
Lina: 'With the TIP of the tongue Elli. Right behind your front teeth.
Elli: (Back in her throat) 'RRRRRRRRRRR'
Lina: Come on Elli just do it like J in that Interview 'Can you say ARRRRRRRR?' Come on you can do it!'
Lina: Ahhhh I love you to Elli.
Now when I tell my Mom about these things she is always very supportive and laughs along but for her the big laughs are when her daughter, meaning yours truly, embarresses herself. Wich I sadly do A LOT!
The most recent example was about 2 months back when my Mom and I went on a Mother- Daughter- Camping -Trip. And I know right now every man who reads this will bury his face in his hands and think 'Oh Boy, women and camping...'
And normally I would defend the women no matter what but this Camping trip didn´t even last 24 hours for us. The reason for that were one accident and one hospital visit.
The accident happened when my mom and I were cycling back to the campsite and my front wheel kinda collided with her back wheel. This of course caused me to lose controle over Lotte (YES my bike has a name!) and I fell onto the street. Straight in front of a car. Luckily I must have fallen in slow motion because the driver of the car saw me and missed me by a few cm.
So I survived this but my left knee was seriously swallen and bruised and hurt like hell.
Later on that night my mom got seriously sick and had to be taken to the hospital with fish-poisoning.
(What The Fuck?!) She got well over night and as soon as she was released we went home.
And now to the 'Lina embarresses herself' part. When Mom was sick and told me she needed to go to the bathroom I wasn´t about to let her walk over the dark campsite alone. So I supported her and led her around our tent saying 'Careful mom, don't trip over the ropes of our tent.' She made it and we went on. Then we had to slip through a small gap in a hedge behind wich our car was parked.. Now I swear that, when we arrived there and parked the car, there was no Tent standing next to it. When we slipped through the hedge suddenly there was one and I did NOT see the ropes of it.... And I tripped.
The thing is I didn´t go down like usually (you know knees hit the ground first and then comes the rest) NOOOOO Lina fell like a wooden board face first into the grass.
The only thing I could think OR say was.
I didn´t get up for at least half a minute becasue i just was so pissed. Then I heard the dude inside that tent ranting at me and the key sentence of this rant was
I got up and looked around me.
"Excuse me but it IS night!!!" I said and looked for my mom who was laying in the grass. I thought for a second that she had collapsed but then I heard her laughing.
I was injured from that damn bike accident and now I fall again and my mom falls over laughing despite the fact that she had fish-poisoning.
I don´t think I have to explain why one of my childhood nicknames was 'Clumsy'.....
so with that story I conclude my blog post for today and say BABAYYYYE
Ay Lina you make me laugh! It is incredible how funny is everything when everybody feels happy. Little things like can't to pronounce the "RR" till to fall down on the grass makes a travel be different. I remember when I went to ski,my favourites moments were when I fallen down. Is there something more funny? (Slowly, obviously, je) I imagine your faces and I'm happy for you,