Montag, 30. September 2013


Okay people,
First of all I appologize for not blogging lately but I had some business to do.
On thursday morning I heard that my sweet Elli was terribly sick (well i knew that already) and still had to do all the Stable Work and stuff... So friday morning I hopped on a train and and 13.5 hours later I was in bavaria to meet my Elli for the first time.
On my Way there (on the Train from Nürnberg to Landshut to be exact) I encountered the most epic Toilet ever. When I stepped on the train I had been on tour for 10 and a half hours already and I DESPERATLY had to go to the loo. BUT the automatic door of said place had other plans and wouldn't open. So I went and found another toilet before finding some train staff to tell them about the refusing toilet. Until he came I and my fellow train riders sat by the toilet door (the train was packed) and like the nice people we are we told everyone to use another toilet because this one was broken. Finally the train staff came and opened the door which then... refused to stay shut whenever someone was inside. So after a few laughs we called up the train dude again and he then closed the door so that man inside could have some privacy... This apparently pissed off that door so much that it decided to not let that poor man out again. after the Train dude had freed him finally The toilet door needed to be convinced in 6 tries to open again once one was inside... So if you ever plan on travelling through germany by train... beware of toilets with automatic doors!
The First few hours with Elli were absolutely like i expected. We talked a lot and laughed even more.
On saturday we did some stable work while listening to 'Orjatar' (how fitting) and I even was dare devil enough to get onto Elli's Hafi Horse. I tell you That is one tricky Sucker... but i loved it.
After totally goofing off and doing the "Aram Sam Sam" on the Kitchen floor or crazy headbanging and seal impression in front of the TV we Finally got something to eat and watched some DVD´s.
The next morning we played a bit wih the Cats and forced Elli's Dad to book our Hotel Room in Turku and now... FINALLY we have everything in order for our finnland trip.
And then... It was time for me to hop on a train again to be at home 15 hours later... at 2 in the morning just to get up again at 9. Now I am at school, totally jetlagged but happy I met Elli.

Donnerstag, 19. September 2013

Police - not useful at all

Hey guys...
Yesterday my faith in the police force was diminished once more. Really sometimes i wonder what happens in those heads.

Yesterday an inmate of a psychiatric prison here in Rostock was taken to the dentist.It was a man who does time for attempted involuntary manslaughter and other bad stuff. He was cuffed and with two guards. The only problem was... The guards were not armed... In fact they were personell in the psychiatric clinic of the prison so they were not even real policemen.
WHAT THE FUCK?! The man tried to kill someone and the guards are not real guards and not armed?!
Well of course it happened what had to happen. The guy escaped.
For 9 hours the City was crowded with police and dogs and helicopters and they alarmed even our school and parents and whatnot...
They finally caught him 9 hours after his escape 4 minutes away from my school.
Makes you feel save doesn't it?

Whatever.. we are now at day 85 with out countdown and we are happy enough to already listen to chrismas songs.


Montag, 16. September 2013

I just love Christmas - Gifts and Joy all around

Since the last days have been quite stressful asnd it seems as though the world is totally upside down which suddenly makes me pay closer attention to that guy on the street-corner who screams all day „THE END IS NEAR!!!“, I feel it is time to have some fun.

First of all, i think i promised some fotos of gifts a few days back so here they are. I got the gifts and the boxes and decorated all of them myself.
The fotos show them a few steps along the way but I guess you can figure that out yourself.
So here we go.

These are the most beautiful Concert tickets I have ever seen....  

And then here we have a part of a map showing where we will go on this adventurous journey.
First we will all be in Helsinki (well Anna lives there anyways so she's already there)
Then Elli and I will go to Turku for the 'Raskasta Joulua' concert the next day and back to Helsinki the day after. The Same day we sadly will have to take Elli to the airport so she can be a good girl and go back to school.
And then after spending a shitload of time with Anna in Helsinki she and I are going to hop on various trains in Helsinki, Tampere and Oulu to go to Kemi. 3 days later we're going to hop on trains in Kemi and Oulu to go to Helsinki again and then I too am headed for home.

 So that is that...

And now because I kn ow at least Silvia enjoyed it last time... another part of story that shows me very good.

“Sooooooo what are we to do today? Lina asked Jim and looked at him like an excited child.
“Ohhh Now that will be a secret until we get there.”
“Daaaaaw Maan! Not fair!”
Anna laughed.
“Alright you two. Have a lot of fun.” She said and Jim walked out the door with his Lina by his side.
They got into the car and Lina looked at Jim.
“What?” He asked.
“What did you say we were doing again?”
“I didn't say. It's a secret.”
“Oh.... So what are we doing?”
“Tell me.”
“It is a secret.”
“Tell me.”
“I'll tickle you!”
“Then we'll have a car crash and die.”
“Yes and you will regret not having told me because if you had we would still be alive in love and happy and maybe have a loooong and happy life together. So tell me.”
“Oh please god give me strength.”
And so Lina and Jim drove off to the city.
Sooo thats it from me today... See ya soon!

Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

BOOM it´s Fall

Hello dear people of this earth and surrounding areas.

The last few days were so grey and rainy that nothing really interesting happened.
Been doing our count downs and have now reached day 92.
Although Elli and I still talk on the phone every night, nothing really funny happened.

Wait!!!! Not quite true.
Every now and then I like to write a little story and the one I am working on now is basically describing me in my everyday behaviour. So I am going to give you a small part of it so you can (once more) see how Clumsy I am.

Lina bolted up from the couch and wanted to be at the door in 2 jumps. That plan failed epically because Lina misscalculated the distance between the floor and the couch and didn't realize that her new elk slippers were standing in the way. All those details lead to Lina almost breaking away with her foot and while struggling to get back her balance tripping over the slippers and literally hitting the ground running. “AYYYYYE VITTU, HAISTA HUILU! DAMMIT!” Lina cursed, pulled herself up and only 2 seconds later stood at the door looking as if nothing happened.

yeaaaaah that is a hundret percent me....

and since I´ve been listening to that song CONSTANTLY over the past days...
The Power Of One

So have a nice one all of ya.

Ps: I also did some decorations for my chrismas gifts. Will show them ASAP

Freitag, 6. September 2013

the most metal days ever....

Heeey People...
The last few days have been a bit quiet around here since I was just too tired to do anything really.
This happens whern a 17 year old and a 22 year old get too few hours of sleep anyways since they talk on the phone EVERY night and sudenly find themselves talking about the deepest shit in anyones life that comes to mind including their own. Today I actually had to take a nap. (what am I 90?)
Still I managed to buy myself a necklace wich I love and, except for one, I have every single christmas present bought. (No I am NOT crazy... well I am but thats not the point here..... at least I won't have the stress on christmas!!!)
And I managed o knit something I have promised for a while now... Fingerless gloves for my anna... first one is done second one should follow over the weekend...

Our Concert tickets arrived, traintickets are paid and fantasies are going nuclear so i guess we can really get the last 97 days down... wooohooooo

Montag, 2. September 2013

Fun Fun Fun

So since now everything for our big christmas trip is pretty much paid for, the excitement level in Elli, Anna and me is seriousy increasing and we are beginning to go crazy. Yesterday we spent groupchatting via facebook  teaching Anna some german or better testing what she already knows.
She speaks german surprisingly well but still it created some very funny situations. We even made her a deal. She has to speak some german when we are there but in return we try our luck in finish. ought to be fun.
You know Elli can´t roll the 'R' as nicely as the finnish people do, so I try to teach her. wich always  goes like this.

Lina: "Elli you gotta roll the 'R' with the tip of your tongue not back in your throat."
Elli:   ' (back in throat) 'RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR'
Lina: 'With the TIP of the tongue Elli. Right behind your front teeth.
Elli:   (Back in her throat) 'RRRRRRRRRRR'
Lina: Come on Elli just do it like J in that Interview 'Can you say ARRRRRRRR?' Come on you can do it!'
Lina: Ahhhh I love you to Elli.

Now when I tell my Mom about these things she is always very supportive and laughs along but for her the big laughs are when her daughter, meaning yours truly, embarresses herself.  Wich I sadly do A LOT!
The most recent example  was about 2 months back when my Mom and I went on a Mother- Daughter- Camping -Trip. And I know right now every man who reads this  will bury his face in his hands and think 'Oh Boy, women and camping...'
And normally I would defend the women no matter what but this Camping trip didn´t even last 24 hours for us. The reason for that were one accident and one hospital visit.
The accident happened when my mom and I were cycling back to the campsite and my front wheel kinda collided with her back wheel. This of course caused me to lose controle over Lotte  (YES my bike has a name!) and I fell onto the street. Straight in front of a car.  Luckily I must have fallen in slow motion because the driver of the car saw me and missed me by a few cm.
So I survived this but my left knee was seriously swallen and bruised and hurt like hell.
Later on that night my mom got seriously sick and had to be taken to the hospital with fish-poisoning.
(What The Fuck?!) She got well over night and as soon as she was released we went home.
And now to the 'Lina embarresses herself' part. When Mom was sick and told me she needed to go to the bathroom I wasn´t about to let her walk over the dark campsite alone. So I supported her and led her around our tent saying 'Careful mom, don't trip over the ropes of our tent.'  She made it and we went on. Then we had to slip through a small gap in a hedge behind wich our car was parked.. Now I swear that, when we arrived there and parked the car, there was no Tent standing next to it. When we slipped through the hedge suddenly there was one and I did NOT see the ropes of it.... And I tripped.
The thing is I didn´t go down like usually (you know knees hit the ground first and then comes the rest) NOOOOO Lina fell like a wooden board face first into the grass.
The only thing I could think OR say was.
I didn´t get up for at least half a minute becasue i just was so pissed. Then I heard the dude inside that tent ranting at me and the key sentence of this rant was
I got up and looked around me.
"Excuse me but it IS night!!!" I said and looked for my mom who was laying in the grass. I thought for a second that she had collapsed but then I heard her laughing.
I was injured from that damn bike accident and now I fall again and my mom falls over laughing despite the fact  that she had fish-poisoning.

I don´t think I have to explain why one of my childhood nicknames was 'Clumsy'.....
so with that story I conclude my blog post for today and say  BABAYYYYE